Giving Back in West Palm Beach - Featured Charities
We at LiveWPB support a number of local charities and non-profits. Below we’ve listed organizations that we are attached to. Feel free to visit their websites, “Like” their Facebook pages or Contact Us directly with any questions. We would love to help you get involved or hear about organizations that you support.

Little Smiles’ mission is to help kids escape the reality of their unfortunate circumstances, even if it’s for a short period of time. Imagine being a 7 year old child with an illness or an unfortunate circumstance that prevents you from enjoying the simple things in life. Playing outside or going to a friend’s house, these are the things we take for granted. Most of Little Smiles children’s daily routine consists of ongoing medication regimen, needles, various medical treatments, and everyday pain, as well as the inability to be a child due to circumstances beyond their control.

The Share The Stoke Foundation, Inc. is a charitable organization based in South Florida and is dedicated to donating surfboards to kids and teenagers in need in an effort to keep them off the streets and in the water. Around the world, coastal towns are filled with kids who yearn for the possibility to stand on a board in the water but simply do not have the resources to make that happen. The Share The Stoke Foundation is committed to creating new possibilities for kids and teenagers globally to support them in having their dreams of surfing come true. See the video below of our first annual Clematis Putt & Strut!